Team Name: Seahorses

Age range: 3 - 4 years old

2 teachers

Ratio: 1:10
A day in the Seahorse classroom
- Free play
- Breakfast and lunch
- Group circle time and lessons
- Outdoor play
- Morning and afternoon snack
- Movement breaks
- Nap time
- Learning centers
- Block center with several types of blocks
- Circle and story times
- Sensory centers
- Learning Beyond Paper curriculum
In the preschool classroom, students work on following directions, communicating with peers, and making choices about their play. Movement and varied free play times allow students to explore and grow together.

In the preschool classroom, students work on following directions, communicating with peers, and making choices about their play. Movement and varied free play times allow students to explore and grow together.

Preschool Classrooms
Our Preschool classrooms introduce new skills in all areas of development. These are the skills that will help each child’s personality and character traits become consistently positive in their interaction with the community as they learn through elementary school and beyond.

Join the Centerpointe Academy's Preschool Adventure:Schedule a Visit Today!
In the preschool classroom, 3-year-olds dive into a world of discovery, connection, and play! Our program balances engaging group activities, interactive story times, and hands-on learning centers to foster both independence and social skills. With a focus on following directions, communicating with peers, and exploring new choices, our little learners grow in confidence and creativity every day.
Come see how our preschool classroom can support your child’s growth in a warm and enriching environment. Schedule a visit today and let’s get started on an exciting preschool journey!