Infant Room 2

Team Name: Bubbles


Age range: 12 months - 17 months


2 teachers


Ratio: 1/4

A day in the Bubbles

  • Breakfast
  • Outdoor play/stroller walk
  • Music/reading
  • Baby massage and yoga
  • Lunch
  • Nap/rest when needed
  • Free play


  • Infant massage/yoga
  • Gross motor play area
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Art

Infant Massage will help to loosen their muscles when learning how to crawl and walk. Playing with instruments during music will help them with their fine motor skills. Reading will help with language development. Art time allows the babies sensory experiences, through various textures. Gross motor activities help guide towards walking independently.


Infant 2 Classroom

It may seem like yesterday when your ‘baby’ was born, but now he or she is a Toddler! Our toddler program maintains very high standards for providing physical care for each child as their schedules begin to coalesce to one. We maintain the flexibility for individual variances as needed for naps and diaper changes, but we also begin to learn about our environment as we talk about weather, day of the week and special events like birthdays. Classrooms are equipped with Discovery Areas for learning and play, including Home Living, Blocks & Manipulatives, Music, Science, Language and others.

Centerpointe Academy Infant Care /
Early Education Program Details

We will know exactly how to interact with your baby for the best growth achievement as days and weeks go by. To summarize our program, we help your baby develop skills in several skill set areas:

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Is better at understanding routines, has loveys-security, objects are becoming more important.

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Gross Motor

Can bend for an object and pick it up, can stand from a sitting position, begins to run, is climbing more on furniture,

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Can understand and follow simple instructions, can point to objects when asked, babbles and is beginning to form words.

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Loves their reflection, loves to play simple games of peek-a-boo and find the toys around the room,



(Examples are ‘expresses joy with another child’, ‘has tantrums’ and wants to do things ‘by myself’)

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Fine Motor

Can pick up food and eat with their fingers, grabs small objects, and can scribble.

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Self Care

Usually still taking 2 naps. Beginning to distinguish between likes and dislikes with food.

Group 13

The teachers chosen to work with toddlers are persons with special talent for managing the frequent emotional displays as they care for the physical needs of each child. Within the classroom, children have freedom to play alone in the various Discovery Areas, or come together for ‘circle time’, stories and games. As children develop new skills, our assessment program helps identify activities that will encourage each child to try new things that require additional skills. We work to enable your child to develop positive personality and character traits, to be happy and well-adjusted to life.

While we have daily communication with parents all year long, the anecdotal journaling for each child becomes the basis for formal parent-teacher conferences twice per year. We provide an information sheet listing the events of the day when you arrive each day to pick up your child, with nap times, diaper changes, what and how much was eaten, etc. You will feel a sense of confidence when you leave your tiny person in our care while you are at work!

Group 12
(571) 470-5858